
Reading Note: Spatially Supervised Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Object Tracking

TITLE: Spatially Supervised Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Object Tracking

AUTHER: Guanghan Ning, Zhi Zhang, Chen Huang, Zhihai He, Xiaobo Ren, Haohong Wang

ASSOCIATION: University of Missouri, University of Missouri

FROM: arXiv:1607.05781


  1. LSTM’s interpretation and regression capabilities of high-level visual features is explored.
  2. Neural network analysis is extended into the spatiotemporal domain for efficient visual object tracking.


The main steps of the method is as follows:

  1. YOLO is used to collect rich and robust visual features, as well as preliminary location inferences.
  2. LSTM is used to regress the location of the object in video frames.

Some Details

There are two streams of data flowing into the LSTMs. One stream includes

  1. the feature representations from the convolutional layers $X_{t}$, for example the 4096-d feature from the fully-connected layer of VGG.
  2. the detection information $B_{t,i}$ from the fully connected layers. Thus, at each time-step t, we extract a feature vector of length 4096. We refer to these vectors as Xt .

Another stream includes

  1. the output of states from the last time-step $S_{t−1}$.


  1. The processing speed is fast because of the YOLO algorithm.
  2. History of both location and appearance are considered.
  3. End-to-end training is used in tracking, which means that a unified system is introduced.


  1. YOLO may be not the best choice for detection.
  2. Only single object is processed.


  1. 4096-d feature is a representation for whole image, how about local representation.
  2. Is there a method of temporal-full convolutional operation on 3D video, similar with fully convolutional operation on 2D image?