
Miscellaneous [20170219]

I’ve been a great fun of ancient history and warfares since my childhood. Maybe the first enlightenment comes from the serial computer games Age of Empires. I didn’t know Joan of Arc until I played the campaign in Age of Empires II when I was 11 or 12 years old. The story in the ganme was so attractive that I searched who Joan of Arc was and what she did on Internet. I was touched by her patriotic acts and sacrifices. I even began to be interested in France history and wanted to study French in university, though I finally chose EE as my major and became an engineer in AI.

I played Age of Empires II HD a while this weekends because I found it was on sale in Steam. It brought me back to the time of my childhood. The memories of playing this game with my friends were recalled. We had fun playing this game, read stories of heroes and quarrelled about who was the greatest one in history. This is a classic computer game.