
Create a Desktop Shortcut in Linux

Yesterday I installed Qt Creator for Qt 5.8 on my Linux laptop. Everything was all right but I couldn’t to figure out how to conveniently start this IDE, needing to go to the bin directory to click the executable file. I’ve tried to start it from commond line, but the IDE will crash when openning a dialog window. So I decided to create a desktop shortcut to bypass.

To manually create a desktop shortcut, we can create a .desktop file and place it in either /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications. A typical .desktop file looks like the following.

[Desktop Entry]
Version=1.0                                     # version of an app.
Name[en_US]=yEd                                 # name of an app.
GenericName=GUI Port Scanner                    # longer name of an app.
Exec=java -jar /opt/yed-3.11.1/yed.jar          # command used to launch an app.
Terminal=false                                  # whether an app requires to be run in a terminal.
Icon[en_US]=/opt/yed-3.11.1/icons/yicon32.png   # location of icon file.
Type=Application                                # type.
Categories=Application;Network;Security;        # categories in which this app should be listed.
Comment[en_US]=yEd Graph Editor                 # comment which appears as a tooltip.