
This repo implemented transmitting cv::Mat via winsock to front-end and display the image using websocket.

Server Code

The server code is implemented in websocket_server_c, which is written in C++ and based on winsock2 on Windows. The server code first construct handshakes and a connection with the client based on TCP protocal. As long as the connection being set up, a video is transmitted to the front-end frame by frame. The frames are extracted using OpenCV. And the frames are encoded in JPEG format first and then encoded to string using base64.

Note that, many examples of socket sending messages ignored the steps of construct connectiong for websocket, which is implemented in this repo.

Clinet Code

The clinet code is a django project in websocket_client_django. The only function is to receive the messages from server end and display the frames on web.


This code is just a demo for using socket in C++ and web. THere must be better way for live video streaming.

TITLE: Pyramid Scene Parsing Network

AUTHOR: Hengshuang Zhao, Jianping Shi, Xiaojuan Qi, Xiaogang Wang, Jiaya Jia

ASSOCIATION: Chinese University of Hongkong, SenseTime

FROM: arXiv:1612.01105


  1. A pyramid scene parsing network is proposed to embed difficult scenery context features in an FCN based pixel prediction framework.
  2. An effective optimization strategy is developped for deep ResNet based on deeply supervised loss.
  3. A practical system is built for state-of-the-art scene parsing and semantic segmentation where all crucial implementation details are included.


The framework of PSPNet (Pyramid Scene Parsing Network) is illustrated in the following figure.


Important Observations

There are mainly three observations that motivated the authors to propose pyramid pooling module as the effective global context prior.

  • Mismatched Relationship Context relationship is universal and important especially for complex scene understanding. There exist co-occurrent visual patterns. For example, an airplane is likely to be in runway or fly in sky while not over a road.
  • Confusion Categories Similar or confusion categories should be excluded so that the whole object is covered by sole label, but not multiple labes. This problem can be remedied by utilizing the relationship between categories.
  • Inconspicuous Classes To improve performance for remarkably small or large objects, one should pay much attention to different sub-regions that contain inconspicuous-category stuff.

Pyramid Pooling Module

The pyramid pooling module fuses features under four different pyramid scales. The coarsest level highlighted in red is global pooling to generate a single bin output. The following pyramid level separates the feature map into different sub-regions and forms pooled representation for different locations. The output of different levels in the pyramid pooling module contains the feature map with varied sizes. To maintain the weight of global feature, 1×1 convolution layer is used after each pyramid level to reduce the dimension of context representation to 1/N of the original one if the level size of pyramid is N. Then the low-dimension feature maps are directly upsampled to get the same size feature as the original feature map via bilinear interpolation. Finally, different levels of features are concatenated as the final pyramid pooling global feature.

Deep Supervision for ResNet-Based FCN

Apart from the main branch using softmax loss to train the final classifier, another classifier is applied after the fourth stage. The auxiliary loss helps optimize the learning process, while the master branch loss takes the most responsibility.

Ablation Study





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TITLE: DSOD: Learning Deeply Supervised Object Detectors from Scratch

AUTHOR: Zhiqiang Shen, Zhuang Liu, Jianguo Li, Yu-Gang Jiang, Yurong Chen, Xiangyang Xue

ASSOCIATION: Fudan University, Tsinghua University, Intel Labs China

FROM: arXiv:1708.01241


  1. DSOD is presented that can train object detection networks from scratch with state-of-the-art performance.
  2. A set of principles are introduced and validated to design efficient object detection networks from scratch through step-by-step ablation studies.
  3. DSOD can achieve state-of-the-art performance on three standard benchmarks (PASCAL VOC 2007, 2012 and MS COCO datasets) with realtime processing speed and more compact models.


The critical limitations when adopting the pre-trained networks in object detection include:

  1. Limited structure design space. The pre-trained network models are mostly from ImageNet-based classification task, which are usually very heavy — containing a huge number of parameters. Existing object detectors directly adopt the pre-trained networks, and as a result there is little flexibility to control/adjust the network structures. The requirement of computing resources is also bounded by the heavy network structures.
  2. Learning bias. As both the loss functions and the category distributions between classification and detection tasks are different, it will lead to different searching/optimization spaces. Therefore, learning may be biased towards a local minimum which is not the best for detection task.
  3. Domain mismatch. As is known, fine-tuning can mitigate the gap due to different target category distribution. However, it is still a severe problem when the source domain (ImageNet) has a huge mismatch to the target domain such as depth images, medical images, etc.

DSOD Architecture

The following table shows the architecture of DSOD


The proposed DSOD method is a multi-scale proposal-free detection framework similar to SSD. The design principles are as follows:

  1. Proposal-free. The author observes that only the proposal-free method such as SSD and YOLO can converge successfully without the pre-trained models. It may be because the RoI pooling layer in the proposal based methods hinders the gradients being smoothly back-propagated from region-level to convolutional feature maps.
  2. Deep Supervision. The central idea is to provide integrated objective function as direct supervision to the earlier hidden layers, rather than only at the output layer. These “companion” or “auxiliary” objective functions at multiple hidden layers can mitigate the “vanishing” gradients problem.
  3. Stem Block. Motivated by Inception-v3 and v4, the author defines stem block as a stack of three $3 \times 3$ convolution layers followed by a $2 \times 2$ max pooling layer. This simple stem structure can reduce the information loss from raw input images compared with the original design in DenseNet.
  4. Dense Prediction Structure The following figure illustrates the comparison of the plain structure (as in SSD) and the proposed dense structure in the front-end sub-network. Dense structure for prediction fuses multi-scale information for each scale. Each scale outputs the same number of channels for the prediction feature maps. In DSOD, in each scale (except scale 1), half of the feature maps are learned from the previous scale with a series of conv-layers, while the remaining half feature maps are directly down-sampled from the contiguous high-resolution feature maps.


Ablation Study

The following table shows the effectiveness of various designs on VOC 2007 test set.


transition w/o pooling increases the number of dense blocks without reducing the final feature map resolution. hi-comp factor in Transition Layers is the factor to reduce feature maps. wide bottlenect means more channels in bottleneck layers. wide 1st conv-layer means that that more channels are kept in the first conv-layer. big growth rate is a parameter used in DenseNet to increase the number of channels in the dense block.

Some Ideas

If we train Faster R-CNN in non-approximate joint training way, maybe we can also train the detector from scratch.

TITLE: ThiNet: A Filter Level Pruning Method for Deep Neural Network Compression

AUTHOR: Jian-Hao Luo, Jianxin Wu, Weiyao Lin

ASSOCIATION: Nanjing University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

FROM: arXiv:1707.06342


  1. A simple yet effective framework, namely ThiNet, is proposed to simultaneously accelerate and compress CNN models.
  2. Filter pruning is formally established as an optimization problem, and statistics information computed from its next layer is used to prune filters.



The framework of ThiNet compression procedure is illustrated in the following figure. The yellow dotted boxes are the weak channels and their corresponding filgers that would be pruned.


  1. Filter selection. The output of layer $i + 1$ is used to guide the pruning in layer $i$. The key idea is: if a subset of channels in layer $(i + 1)$’s input can approximate the output in layer $i + 1$, the other channels can be safely removed from the input of layer $i + 1$. Note that one channel in layer $(i + 1)$’s input is produced by one filter in layer $i$, hence the corresponding filter in layer $i$ can be safely pruned.
  2. Pruning. Weak channels in layer $(i + 1)$’s input and their corresponding filters in layer i would be pruned away, leading to a much smaller model. Note that, the pruned network has exactly the same structure but with fewer filters and channels.
  3. Fine-tuning. Fine-tuning is a necessary step to recover the generalization ability damaged by filter pruning. For time-saving considerations, fine-tune one or two epochs after the pruning of one layer. In order to get an accurate model, more additional epochs would be carried out when all layers have been pruned.
  4. Iterate to step 1 to prune the next layer.

Data-driven channel selection

Denote the convolution process in layer $i$ as A triplet

where $\mathscr{I}{i}$ is the input tensor, which has $C$ channels, $H$ rows and $W$ columns. And $\mathscr{W}{i}$ is a set of filters with $K \times K$ kernel size, which generates a new tensor with $D$ channels. Note that, if a filter in $\mathscr{W}{i}$ is removed, its corresponding channel in $\mathscr{I}{i+1}$ and $\mathscr{W}{i+1}$ would also be discarded. However, since the filter number in layer $i + 1$ has not been changed, the size of its output tensor, i.e., $\mathscr{I}{i+2}$, would be kept exactly the same. If we can remove several filters that has little influence on $\mathscr{I}_{i+2}$ (which is also the output of layer $i + 1$), it would have little influence on the overall performance too.

Collecting training examples

The training set is randomly sampled from the tensor $\mathscr{I}_{i+2}$ as illustrated in the following figure.


The convolution operation can be formalized in a simple way

A greedy algorithm for channel selection

Given a set of training examples $\left{ (\mathrm{\hat{x}}{i}, \hat{y}{i}) \right}$, selecting channel can be seen as a optimization problem,


and it eauivalently can be the following alternative objective,


where $S \cup T = \left{ 1,2,…,C \right}$ and $S \cap T = \emptyset$. This problem can be sovled by greedy algorithm.

Minimize the reconstruction error

After the subset $T$ is obtained, a scaling factor for each filter weights is learned to minimize the reconstruction error.

Some Ideas

  1. Maybe the finetue can help avoid the final step of minimizing the reconstruction error.
  2. If we use this work on non-classification task, such as detection and segmentation, the performance remains to be checked.